
导语 jQuery插件用途广泛,除却作为好用的工具,还可以扩大视野,因为编程方面的知识有时会限制你的设计思路。在这里为大家收集整理了8月第二周最优秀最新的10款jQuery插件。

1. jQuery URL Shortener

As the name clearly indicated this jQuery plugin helps in shortening URLs using Google URL shortener API.

Download Demo

2. Bootstrap Tokenfield

Bootstrap Tokenfield is an advanced tagging/tokenizing plugin for input fields with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support.

Download Demo

3. Retinize

Retinize is a jQuery plugin that upscales images to look correctly on retina screens and is particularly useful for pixel art when you don’t want to store an upscaled version.

Download |Demo

4. jQuery Scrollbox

Its a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that lets users scroll a list like carousel or traditional marquee.

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5. jQuery Scanner Detection

Its a small plugin that helps keeps the track of when the scanner viz barcode, QR Code are being used.

Download Demo

6. jQuery finderSelect

This jQuery Plugin activates file explorer type selecting to all elements supports Ctrl+Click, Command+Click, Ctrl+Drag, Command+Drag and Shift+Click.

Download |Demo

7. Yet Another DataTables Column Filter (Yadcf)

Yadcf is a jQuery plug-in enables the user to easily add filter components to table columns and works on top of the DataTables jQuery plug-in.

Download Demo

8. jQuery noInput

Its a jQuery plugin for displaying inline labels similar to HTML 5′s placeholders that enables you to style the placeholder text.

Download Demo

9. HeapBox

As a webdesigner or a webdeveloper you know how hard it is to deal with native HTML forms look or functionality. Heapbox is a jQuery powered by jQuery that helps write JavaScript.

Download Demo


Quail is a plugin that focuses on checking content against accessibility guidelines.

Download Demo

 With this we come to an end of this weeks list keeping you all anticipating as to how many cool jQuery plugins we will come up with next week.

http://www.aseoe.com/ true 2013年8月第2周最优秀最新的10款jQuery插件 http://www.aseoe.com/show-13-9-1.html report <?php echo strlen($content) / 2; ?> jQuery插件用途广泛,除却作为好用的工具,还可以扩大视野,因为编程方面的知识有时会限制你的设计思路。在这里为大家收集整理了8月第二周最优秀最新的10款jQuery插件。
TAG:2013 最优秀 JQuery
转载请注明: 文章转载自:爱思资源网 http://www.aseoe.com/show-13-9-1.html

[前端插件推荐] Plugin

1 2 3 4
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  • jQuery HotKeys监听键盘按下事件keydown插件
  • 响应式无限轮播jQuery旋转木马插件
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